Monday, February 21, 2011

French Knots and Daisy Chains

My mother and grandmother taught me to embroider by the time I knew how to read and write. I have some of the iron on patterns, colorful skeins of thread, and needles that they used when they embellished clothing, table linens, and pillowcases, like this one that I still use for my favorite bed pillow. It has been washed so many times it no longer needs the ironing they once would have done before carefully folding it and its mate (pillowcases were always done in pairs). The thin cotton is so soft and worn it is in danger of becoming kept instead of used. I love running my fingers over the blue flowers with their bumpy french knot centers and remembering how swift and deft their fingers were as they threaded kneedles, loaded embroidery hoops and began piercing with the needle, pulling it up at just the right spot, drawing out the thread, knowing which special stitch would achieve the right effect. There were feather stitches, blanket stitches, and feather stitches for borders and trims, but those used to bring the pattern lines to bloom were the ones that fascinated me. Running stitches, chain stitches, daisy chains and french knots brought the designs alive. I have enjoyed similar needle work: crewel, cross-stitching, and have loved crocheting and knitting. All of which I owe to those two women who were patient enough to teach me.


  1. The names of those stitches bring back memories of learning to embroider as a girl. I never produced anything, alas. My mother and grandmother had numerous bureau scarves and dish clothes and even a bedspread to their credit. I still have a boxfull of assorted bureau scarves. It certainly dates me to use them in my home. I still find hemming a relaxing pasttime.

  2. Barbara, I have only a few things I used these stitches on, as well. But I believe learning them was a bridge to loving to love hands on crafting of beauty, what ever the skill or art.


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